Hollis Historical Society
P.O. Box 754
Hollis, NH 03049
The President’s Letter
Another year is opening for the Hollis Historical Society.
To review the past year – we owe Martha Davis a mountain of thanks for the outstanding success of the Attic Treasure Sale and also Becky Crowther, co-chair, and Marilyn Wherle who so ably assisted her. Thanks to all.
Becky, as you know, donated her counted cross stitch sampler which was raffled off at our first meeting on October 21.
In case you didn’t notice, the Always Ready Engine House is being spruced up. Painting, necessary repairs and general upkeep have been scheduled for this old treasure.
John Greenaway has been temporarily sidelined and we owe him more then we can ever repay. Joe Harlin is currently, efficiently filling his shoes. Thanks Joe for all that you do. It is really appreciated. Also, can’t thank Lydia Schellenberg who supplies goodies for every meeting. EVERY MEETING! Isn’t she great!
I could write a whole letter about all the work done by the collections committee in cataloging and restoring the gifts given to the society. Thank you Mary Brickley, Martha Davis, Dottie Hackett, ad Bob Cushman for your important work.
See you at the meetings!
Philip Brickley
It has been an exciting and productive season. The October meeting brought record attendance with speaker Ken Gloss, owner of the Brattle Book Store in Boston. Again, at our February meeting outstanding attendance due to Rev. Dr. John A. Terry speaking on the town and the church. Thanks to Dotsie Prozeller, we have more excellent programs coming up for March, April, and May.
The work of the society continues to get done by many dedicated members. We are always in need of more help to cope with projects in mind. If you would enjoy knowing more about your town and how you can take part, please call our number, 603-465-3935. New membership and dues are integral to the success of our Society. We need you and you need to bring your friends to the next meeting
Philip Brickley