NOTES From Wheeler House
We were watching “Antiques Roadshow” on February 16, 1999 – it was coming from Milwaukee – , when our eye was caught by two Civil War items.
The first, was a red blanket embroidered with the name of a soldier/owner. It was valued around $6000. The second was a soldier’s overcoat with Sargent’s Chevrons on the sleeve. It was explained that it had belonged to John Hayden – his name was on the sleeve lining -. In addition, there was a label sewn to the lining which said “Return to Daniel W. Hayden, Hollis, NH”. Daniel was the brother of John, who died in New York in 1862 and was a Corporal. After receiving the coat at his brother’s death, Daniel added a stripe. He was eventually sent to Florida, was wounded once, returned to battle and was left for dead on the battlefield. He was eventually found with a bullet wound to the head and a skull fracture. He recovered, but in the interim, his overcoat had been returned to Hollis. The accompanying picture shows him on his horse at one of the May 30th celebrations.
We are indebted to Helena and Bob Hayden for this information on the Hayden ancestors .and also for the pictures. The lady is Bertha Hayden, daughter of Daniel and author of many interesting articles on Hollis history and events. They may be viewed at Wheeler House along with the D.A.R. History of Hollis Homes, to which she contributed.
BULLETIN : It appears that the old Cape On Worcester Road will soon have a new owner.! Wheeler House answering machine almost broke down under the weight of all the calls! Many thanks are due Sharon Howe for all the time she spent on this endeavor – not only in returning calls, but in showing the house to prospective owners. The MacMillans, who are the owners, deserve thanks also for allowing the preservation efforts to go on. Hopefully, everything will come together.